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Three Women

You can start NOW to change your life for the better.

10 week
accountability container for women

Friends Taking Selfie

is this for you?

Why do I think i can help you and that it will work?



Because I have done this multiple times and women who truly show up and do the work achieve amazing results!
Read some of their own words below:

"Khrystyna first invited me and I resisted making a commitment to a weekly call, but she persisted and I'm so glad she did.  I thought these weekly calls would "put more on my plate", but they did quite the opposite.  We first set up our goals on a spreadsheet and made commitments not only to ourselves, but to the group as well.  It helped me organize what I truly wanted in my work and life balance.  Setting the goals in small steps made them more reachable with such clarity and simplicity.  I also loved following along with the other women in our group because it helped motivate me to reach my own goals.  I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of Khrystyna's Accountability Group and I'd recommend it to others who want to achieve excellence in their daily lives.  5 stars from me!" Tatiana
"I would do it again!

Because the Women’s Accountability Project is about having short term goals with long term impacts.

This group lovingly kept me accountable by checking in on my goals weekly, and offering encouragement and tips on how to be successful. The ladies were also a great resource— a wealth of information, for my goals.

Though there were many takeaways, I derived a lot of inspiration from my team mates’ own goals and the way in which they managed their lives. I also thoroughly enjoyed the shared experience of goal setting—It felt like “game on!” 

Additionally, the added benefit of having spectators, helped give me the courage to break down some of my own walls of self defeat!

Thanks to Khrystyna and her consistent check ins. Rain or shine, in sickness and in health. That’s the kind of butt kicking we sometimes need, when trying to achieve a goal within a deadline. 

Mission accomplished " Chilala

"Khrystyna's accountability group is a powerful container to achieving goals and experiencing a paradigm shift in mindset! The support and leadership in the group allowed me to see my personal roadblocks in executing daily goals, sharing vulnerably and finding a new career! After completing the group I have consistency in my life where I did not before in meditation, affirmation, and reading daily. My overall health and happiness have improved through the work I did in this group. If you are looking for a breakthrough in goal achieving and accomplishing your dreams Khrystyna's leadership and insight will cause you to love your life! Thank you. "Simi:

Intention of this program is to fulfill on the goals that truly matter to you through support, intentionality and accountability of the group of women.


This program is NOT for you:


  • If you want to blame everything and everyone else in why your life doesn’t work, instead of taking responsibility for your results.


  • If you can’t invest 90 min a week into your own dreams and goals or don't think you are worth that much time to spend on yourself.


  • If you hate sharing your accomplishments as well as your struggles and not willing to open up and trust people to contribute to you.


This program IS for you:


  • If you are tired of your excuses and done with procrastinating on your goals.


  • If you know you can do better in certain areas and deserve more in life, but just haven’t had the right support to make it happen.


  • If you have been wanting to do something, like start a business, lose weight, establish a daily meditation routine, create more income, or anything else that matters to you and are really ready and excited to make it happen. It could truly be ANYTHING!




 We will establish 3 or more “outside of reach”, but also achievable tangible and specific goals for your life. Something you've wanted to do for a long time! Or maybe a brand new idea you want to put into action!

Then breaking it down in weekly/daily action steps.

Tracking progress weekly with the group.

Getting consistent accountability from host and from others participants.


What is included:


  • Preliminary 45 min call identifying your goals and creating specific and tangible results you want to achieve. (Value $250)


  • Weekly 90 min zoom call with the group. ( Value $1950)


  • 30 min weekly personal dive deeper call with one of the other participants. Different partner each week. Schedule at your own time. (Value whatever you place on this!)


  • One 1 hour breakthrough coaching call from the facilitator during the duration of the program on the most challenging aspect. ( Value $300 )


But because it is my passion to create community and contribute to women, like myself, in living their best life and make it affordable!

VALUE: $2500




Total Cost: $295


 I can’t make it free, because YOU must have skin in the game and invest in yourself and know you’re worth it. Most programs out there cost thousands of dollars, and who knows, maybe one day, I might arrive at the same conclusion, but for now, I am keeping it low cost, but still enough to filter out those who are not ready to commit to themselves.

Starting January 8th

Let’s have a spectacular accomplished first quarter of 2024!


Only 5 spaces available! So reserve yours TODAY! And get closer now to living your best life.



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